Rawkerz Wed. @ Joe’s Apartment feat. byStarlight / MistrWolf / A Steady Vertigo

Posted in previews on March 7, 2011 by grahampenceartists

Last I heard Joe’s Apartment is causing a new stir on the streets of downtown Vancouver.  Bands love playing the new venue, each loving the room and the tone it sets for any night they play there. Yet, a room is only half the justice. What really makes the difference is the crowds they draw out of the woodwork. The bands bring their share followed by the regular street traffic that gets their dance shoes moving to the smooth flow set by DJ Zeus. And the crazy thing? It’s only Wednesday night!

I took some time to check in to what’s happening this Wednesday for Joe’s new weekly night “RAWKERZ Wednesdays @ Joe’s Apartment” and what jumps off the page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=199815826696055&notif_t=event_wall#wall_posts? byStarlight, A Steady Vertigo and MistrWolf.

Well, first things first. Last time I saw byStarlight somehow they managed to uncork a bottle of champagne mid-set and not losing a beat they were literally pouring liquid energy into the crowd. These guys live and breathe for the moment and whatever that moment might bring they’re gonna make sure you’re a part of it. I haven’t even started to talk about the sound they bring and already I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this Wednesday. But hey, if that’s not enough to get you out for a night, I’ll let there music do the talking. With radio-ready tunes byStarlight gets you singing along to some upbeat style and moving to some down right dirty. For a practice run in your bedroom before Wednesday check out some of there latest at ww.myspace.com/bystarlightband…a good place to start? “I Thought You’d Get Down”

Before I get ahead of myself and get off track there’s some current terminology you must know which I thought I’d freshen myself up on as well by way of urbandictionary.com…here are some of the more purposeful definitions  that will be of use…


i] Usually around 140bpm in tempo, the unifying sounds within dubstep are always bass and sub-bass. The music ranges in style from melodious instrumentals to dark, techy and distorted numbers.

ii] A genre which is filthier than fingering your sister and finding your Dad’s wedding ring…

iii]audio thunder.

Now, take your pick cause there’s a little for everyone, but be prepared to take what  you’re given this Wednesday. I’d bet MistrWolf is already scheming plans to make it all happen.  To be honest, I never found myself caught in the dubstep craze but when I checked out MistrWolf’s page http://soundcloud.com/mistrwolf and listened to Lux Aeturna it all clicked. Dubstep is about going places you’ve never been and would never have even thought to have gone. It’s like some strange black hole being pulled by a dream and a nightmare and there, stuck in the middle you get a little of both. Suddenly it makes sense and your body just has to move like your a puppet with a couple loose strings. I’m looking forward to this live experience now.

So, how does A Steady Vertigo, a Punk-Rock band fit into this mix of Dubstep and Pop-House? Well, their own bio describes them as “alternating between hyperactive, hypnotic and epic, classic yet modern…” something that the previous artists both seem to bring yet in their own regards. Besides, we’ve all had our clash with Punk-Rock and doesn’t it just make you feel good all over? While being bombarded by the auto-tune generation A Steady Vertigo is like meeting up with an old friend over a couple drinks…then having a couple to many…then going out and causing a riot in the streets. http://www.myspace.com/asteadyvertigo/music/songs/Riot-in-the-Street-76910879 [yes, I meant to play on those words.] Anyways, aside from any uncanny forsight A Steady Vertigo is sure to bring the place down and get the crowd rawking!

That’s all for this preview of Rawkerz Wednesday @ Joe’s Apartment http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=199815826696055&notif_t=event_wall#wall_posts Rawk on for the 48 hours and then come Rawk out! Doors @ 9pm /tix $8.





Posted in reviews on March 7, 2011 by grahampenceartists

The Post War marks the threshold for soundscape rock. Within their
live show you can find erie but throbbing guitar riffs accompanied by
tight drums and pounding base lines. These guys make you think twice
with only having to listen once. With frontman Eric Scotts’s
vocals sweeping amongst the soundscape of instrumental sounds with
themes ranging from hope found to love lost, its no wonder where The
Post War found their name. When all is said and done, when the war is
over, the question remains where do we go from here? The Post War
journeys in search of that answer for you as the rebuilding process
begins. With a new video soon hitting the waves tomorrow take a second to check it out at http://thepostwar.com/.


The year is 2073 and the information age has passed its prime. Yet
technology is still in a full force leadership role and then somewhere
within the mix along comes an uprising known as If We Are Machines.
A defining moment in history. Now the truth. It is February 23, 2011
and If We Are Machines has truly defined itself amongst the present
age. Their live show consists of five guys thrashing about hidden
behind a wall of meticulous sound and crafty skills. One could easily
raise the question as to whether or not these guys are machines and
truthfully, underneath the brilliance of their songwriting, there is
no better explanation. They meet each moment with precision only to
better it by leaving you to wonder as an audience, am I really
experiencing this? The true ideology of any well-fed uprising. If you
didn’t get a chance to be a part of the uprising If We Are Machine
tonight I suggest you join them at there next show whenever that may be…the easiest way to find out take a daily slide over to there page http://ifwearemachines.blogspot.com/


Within the name itself Hidden Towers holds a mystery. Like some
cutting edge fairytale these guys produce a live show that leads the
audience through some dark woods. There, well sought dissonance
between guitars mesh with a dirty [in a good sense] bass line and
drums that make you want to quicken your pace to a frantic run. Before
long, you come to that clearing where the world around you dissipates
and there clear in front of you are the Hidden Towers for which you’ve
search so long. Here in lies the mystery and like many of there songs
Hidden Towers allows you to write what lies ahead as they proceed into
instrumental genius. Although Hidden Towers is not for the faint of
heart I’d trade a couple palpatating heartbeats to get one step closer
to discovering the mystery. To catch these guys in the act check them
out at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=180045325370378

Rawkerz Wednesdays feat. The Post War, If We Are Machines, Hidden Towers

Posted in previews on February 19, 2011 by grahampenceartists

If you haven’t already marked on your calendar “Feb. 23rd – Be @ Joe’s Apartment!” then let me pause for a minute and allow you to do that…ok…now that we have that out of the way, you might as well take a minute out of your day to prepare yourself for what’s going down at Joe’s.

I’ll tell you to start by checking out Vancouver’s very own beauty-meets-tragedgy, The Post War [www.myspace.com/thepostwarmusic]. As kid’s these guys may have dreamed of being the biggest rockstar on the planet, who really knows? What we do know now though is, they’re honest in what they do and they do it the best way they know how…with instrument and voice.  Check out there latest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMesFVn4k9k&feature=player_embedded and remember this is only a fraction of their live show.

If We Are Machines…If We Are Machines…If We Are Machines…like some journey through a robotic sound scape, we look forward to welcoming…If We Are Machines [http://www.myspace.com/ifwearemachines] to the Joe’s Stage, and these guys know what they’re doing. Just now while listening to their myspace playlist  I found myself in some induced state from their layered guitars and diving rhythms. Forming in 2001, ironically it’s safe to say If We Are Machines is nothing short of being well oiled. I look forward to whatever journey they may take the Joe’s crowd on Wednesday.

“The platform for Hidden Towers remains the same as the original vision created years ago: to create brutally-beautiful, surrealistic compositions over a canvas of complex rhythms.” http://www.myspace.com/hiddentowers . If I had a better way to put it I would, thankfully Hidden Towers recognizes who they are, who they want to be and most important of all, what they want to do. Writing songs in the 6-7 min range, though you would never know it except now of course that I’ve told you, Hidden Towers secretly conjours up some urge inside you to close your eyes and just let loose. With only sparce vocals surrounding their instrumentation Hidden Towers allows you to right your own story, a black hole to another dimension.

As they say, “all’s well that ends well”; with this lineup Wednesday Feb 23, 2011 at Joe’s Apartment about the only thing that could go wrong is the massive chandelier cracking under the pressure and plunging from the ceiling like some scene out of The Phantom of the Opera…but then again that would just add to what’s sure to be one hell of a show!


**For more info please check out the facebook even page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=164772786904927



March 16, 2010 SHOWCASE : Like Animals Again / Darker The Sky / Free City Collective

Posted in reviews with tags , , , on March 24, 2010 by devinweening
Like Animals Again

Like Animals Again (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 1 : Like Animals Again (myspace.com/likeanimalsagain)

After getting a bit of a late start, Like Animals Again kicked off the evening with a synth intro straight out of a late 80s video game. From there, though, their self-proclaimed “barock” sound took over – a sort of crossover between classical and classic rock, reminiscent of Trans-Siberian Orchestra (but without the unhealthy obsession with Christmas carols). But there’s a lot more to it than Rachmaninoff meets the Rolling Stones; Like Animals Again threw in some reggae/ska-type guitar riffs, and at one point betrayed a possible influence by Ennio Morricone, the mastermind behind the scores of Clint Eastwood’s Man Without a Face trilogy. However, all the musical energy – which was there in abundance, supported by driving rhythms and highlighted by stellar vocals from both singers – failed to translate into a visible stage presence, leaving the audience noticeably disconnected from what was, in all other respects, a top-notch performance.

Darker The Sky

Darker The Sky (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 2 : Darker The Sky (myspace.com/darkerthesky)

The second act of the evening, Darker The Sky, kept up the energy established by Like Animals Again, and managed to convey that energy to the crowd much more effectively. Their particular brand of synth-driven indie pop/rock is far from groundbreaking (cf. Hoobastank), but they deliver it with as much passion as anyone else in the scene – you can tell that singer/guitarist Robin Younge really cares about what he’s singing (either that, or he audited Nick Carter’s course on reaching out and banging your chest for emphasis). That passion almost makes up for the vocal glitches; Younge would be better served finding a comfortable range and staying within it than constantly commuting from his upper to lower registers and back again – and probably leave the falsetto to Jim James. Darker The Sky closed  with “Sara”, a fantastic song that can only be described as a power-pop ballad – or as the perfect ending to a strong set.

Free City Collective

Free City Collective (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 3 : Free City Collective (myspace.com/freecitycollective)

Free City Collective rounded out the excellent line-up, and immediately stole the show.  Their stage presence is unmistakable – singer/keyboardist Ben Rowley is nothing if not a bona fide frontman, and the rest of the band exhibited a comparable level of showmanship. The interplay between guitarists Theo Milloy and Sam Romero was impeccable, each taking a few turns showcasing their shredding skills while drummer Brandon Rowley and bassist Derek Rohde held things together rhythmically. I’m pretty sure the only people who could have had more fun than these guys on a Tuesday night are the committed handful of music fans who stuck around to witness them on-stage. Free City Collective is releasing a record soon, and while their songwriting is top-notch and the album will kick some serious ass, it’s hard to imagine any recording capturing the passion, intensity, or raw energy of their live show. Here’s to hoping!

Review by : Devin Weening

March 9, 2010 SHOWCASE : Vespertine / Pigeon Park / Young Pacific

Posted in reviews on March 23, 2010 by grahampenceartists

Vespertine (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 1 : Vespertine (myspace.com/vespertinevancouver)

Vespertine inject just the right amount of rock-tane into their high energy folk sound. Though their chuggin’ acoustics carry a certain City and Colour swagger, Dean Acheson’s bar floor melodies are ripped straight from the Dave Grohl power-ballad handbook. It gives these guys a particularly fascinating mix between roots credibility and pop sensibility; bona fide ear candy, no matter what end of the spectrum you’re impartial to. And that passion and energy only amplifies on the stage. The floor was packed for a reason, and it’s Vespertine’s sharp sense of spirit in their audience. Even the too-cool-for-schoolers had trouble containing their innate desires to shimmy and shake. Congratulations, boys. For just a moment, pompous pretention became shattered in lives of a few Tuesday-night hipsters, and you did without names or fists or sticks and stones. You did it the right way. With good music.

Pigeon Park

Pigeon Park (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 2 : Pigeon Park (myspace.com/pigeonparkband)

It had been a long time since I rocked and rolled. I almost forgot the taste. You know…ash, grass, and your old pal Jack? The guy you swore you’d never kiss again, then next thing you know he’s shoving something fierce down your throat, yelling “call me Mr. Daniels!” Listen to me carefully. If you truly want to relive the glory and splendour of that magical world we all wish we grew up in (my parents call it the 1970s), watch Pigeon Park live. Heads cocked and locked as guitarist Kevin Okabe launched into Whole Lotta Love’s E-blues orgy, and they did not turn away. The perfect tone had been set for a night of dazzling shreds and classic arrangements, carried by their collectively mind-blowing stage exuberance and a seriously killer classic-rock-croon, courtesy of frontman Nick Weber. But for every nod to those pillars of popular rock, there’s a wildly innovative spin that hints at a slightly more progressive future for the boys. Think of the Chilli Peppers at the height of their drug-addled psycho funk phase. Now think of them making sweet, sweet love to Chris Robinson. Pigeon Park, my friends.

Young Pacific

Young Pacific (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 3 : Young Pacific (myspace.com/youngpacificmusic)

Having made their live debut on the SHOWCASE stage a few months ago (see the review from that night here), Young Pacific returned with a similar set, but also with the confidence of having a few more shows under their belt – and it showed. Everything about their performance – from the tightness of their sound, to their interaction with the crowd, to the crowd’s reception and willingness to sing along with songs like “Purple Skyline” – served as proof that these guys are learning what it takes to put on a good show, and learning quickly. I, for one, can’t wait to see where they’re at in a few more months.

review by : Ben Rowley & Devin Weening

SHOWCASE Preview : March 9, 2009

Posted in previews on March 9, 2010 by devinweening

GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS presents SHOWCASE @ Republic, March 9, 2009 with special guests Young Pacific, Pigeon Park, and Vespertine!

Young Pacific

Young Pacific (photo credit: myspace.com/youngpacificmusic

Young Pacific (myspace.com/youngpacificmusic)

Formed in 2009, Young Pacific hails from Coquitlam, BC, a cloudy suburb of Canada’s west coast urban central, Vancouver. Consisting of three young songwriters, the music and lyrics are not only inspired by growing up on the west coast, but also other things such as childhood, imagination and time itself. With an overwhelming reception to early recordings, Young Pacific hopes to continue with their momentum and create great songs for all to hear and love. (from myspace.com/youngpacificmusic)

Young Pacific will be the first of a handful of bands making their return to the SHOWCASE stage in March, after making their live debut here in January.

Pigeon Park

Pigeon Park (photo credit: myspace.com/pigeonparkband)

Pigeon Park (myspace.com/pigeonparkband)

Pigeon Park is a Vancouver based rock ‘n’ roll band with strokes of reggae, funk and blues painted into their sound creating a totally original ambience that is theirs and theirs only. With an EP released last summer the band is now heading back into the studio for a new LP and plans of a summer tour are on the horizon. (from myspace.com/pigeonparkband)


Vespertine (photo credit: myspace.com/vespertinevancouver)

Vespertine (myspace.com/vespertinevancouver)

Vespertine started out with Dean Acheson and Adam Riddle sitting in a car at Spanish Banks in the middle of the night writing songs on an acoustic guitar. They found that creating songs at night always gave a different feel than writing in the daytime, a kind of reminiscence lost in the sun. When the car got too claustrophobic, they would try for new inspirational places to write, like rooftops in August and airport runways with planes flying so close you can almost touch them. Vespertine’s music is about bringing out that feeling inside of everyone: the feeling of invincibilty, the feeling of never losing your past, and the feeling that makes you want to just take a drive and sing until your car hates you! (from myspace.com/vespertinevancouver)

For more details and to RSVP, check out the event page on Facebook, and, while you’re at it, join the SHOWCASE @ Republic presented byGRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS Facebook group for the latest information on who’s playing next!

preview by: Devin Weening (devinweening.wordpress.com)

March 2, 2010 SHOWCASE : Chimpanzebras / 11 Hour Orchestra / Tough Lovers

Posted in reviews with tags , , , on March 8, 2010 by grahampenceartists

After a two-week hiatus for some sort of large sporting event happening in and around Vancouver, GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS presents SHOWCASE @ Republic was back in action last Tuesday, and they didn’t miss a beat. Chimpanzebras, 11 Hour Orchestra, and Tough Lovers put together one of the tightest shows beginning-to-end that SHOWCASE has hosted so far, feeding off this city’s recent party atmosphere and adding to it in their own way.


Chimpanzebras (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 1: Chimpanzebras (myspace.com/chimpanzebras)

Newcomers Chimpanzebras kicked off the night with a very surprising bang. Well, when a band opens with something as utterly bodacious as Elvis Costello’s “Pump It Up”, one doesn’t really have a say in the matter; it’s time to pump it up. And boy, do these guys ever know how to rock and roll. From pitch-perfect renditions of modern classics like the Strokes’ “Last Nite” and the Foo Fighter’s “Times Like These”, to relentlessly funky versions of “Eleanor Rigby” and the Talking Heads’ “Psycho Killer” (that’s right… they managed to make “Psycho Killer” EVEN funkier). But perhaps the most striking element of their performance was a taut handful of original material, effortlessly blended among the iconic anthems littered throughout the set. It’s tough to pull off unless your shit is off the hook, and Chimpanzebras’ authentic blend of progressive pop and dance rock is nothing short of mesmerizing. Amidst an electric set honouring only the best in twentieth century rock, it’s safe to say these boys are influenced in all the right places.

11 Hour Orchestra

11 Hour Orchestra (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 2: 11 Hour Orchestra (myspace.com/11hourorchestra)

11 Hour Orchestra’s easy-going, rhythmic rock sound probably wouldn’t be out of place at the Gorge in central Washington, an annual summer stop for alternative pop-rockers Dave Matthews Band and Jack Johnson, but it wasn’t out of place on this night at Republic either. Their eclectic melange of instruments – including classical guitar, saxophone, and various forms of percussion – and the odd freestyle rap give them an absolutely unique sound. Their soulful energy – proof that they live by the maxim stated in one of their songs that “nothin’ don’t grow if it’s not from the soul” – make it impossible to listen without moving, and being moved.

Tough Lovers

Tough Lovers (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 3: Tough Lovers (myspace.com/toughloversmusic)

Charged with rounding out the fantastic line-up on this night was Tough Lovers – and they didn’t disappoint. Their sound is certifiable indie rock/pop that is hella catchy and easy to listen to without being simplistic or watered down – think Death Cab for Cutie meets Modest Mouse. The vocal chemistry between singers Jamie Small and Stephanie McMahon is strong, as is that of the band behind them. As with both of the preceding acts, Tough Lovers exhibited copious amounts of energy and managed to pass a fair amount of that energy along to the audience, even as they – along with the rest of the city – recovered from an all-out two-week celebration.

Review by: Ben Rowley & Devin Weening (devinweening.wordpress.com)

February 9, 2010 SHOWCASE : Lovers Love Haters / Lillix

Posted in reviews on February 11, 2010 by devinweening
Lovers Love Haters

Lovers Love Haters (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 1: Lovers Love Haters (myspace.com/loverslovehaters)

Lovers Love Haters is the latest musical venture undertaken by Debora Cohen (formerly the creative mastermind behind The Organ). Cohen and her band (which includes Todd Fancey of The New Pornographers and Paul Hawley of Hot Hot Heat) deliver a fairly mellow brand of indie rock that wouldn’t have sounded out of place alongside The Cure and Joy Division in late 70s England. For Cohen, not much has changed stylistically since her days with The Organ, but the addition of her own vocals is an improvement. While not exactly infectious, the songs are definitely danceable, even if the crowd didn’t show it on this night.


Lillix (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 2: Lillix (lillixonline.com)

Led by sisters Lacey-Lee and Tasha-Ray Evin, Lillix has matured quite a bit since their 2003 Maverick Records debut Falling Uphill, with its hit single “It’s About Time.” They haven’t released any new material since 2005’s Inside the Hollow, but their hiatus has come to an end – and that’s a very good thing. Backed by male musicians for the first time, the “new” Lillix is pop-rock at its finest. Their latest single, “Dance Alone”, is penetratingly catchy – though any one of their songs could convince even the most hesitating wallflower to spend a couple minutes on the floor – and their cover of The Romantics’ “What I Like About You” (from Falling Uphill) was a highlight of the much-too-short set. The Evin sisters have undeniable vocal and musical chemistry, and their band exploits that chemistry swimmingly. If this show is any indication, Lillix is back in a big way, and should become a household name once again soon.

crowd shot

The crowd at Republic (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Click here to see the rest of Devin’s photos from the show. To stay informed with what’s coming up at SHOWCASE @ Republic, click here to check out the Facebook group, or subscribe to the GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS presents SHOWCASE @ Republic blog by clicking “Sign me up!” at the top of this page!

Review by: Devin Weening (devinweening.wordpress.com)

February 2, 2010 SHOWCASE : Lemming Dynasty / Whitey / Quickness

Posted in reviews with tags , , , on February 8, 2010 by grahampenceartists
Lemming Dynasty

Lemming Dynasty (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 1: Lemming Dynasty

If you’ve lived in Vancouver for the past ten years, and you fancy yourself a local music lover, then you’re well aware of Ninja Spy. These boys have been dominating the underground fusion-metal scene for the past twelve years. So, when arguably the best live band in the city decides to form a new project, it’s hard not to expect anything but pure awesome. Well, I’m happy to report that Lemming Dynasty deliver on every bit of excellence they’re cracked up to be. The addition of lead singer/songwriter Bruno Dominelli only strengthens their chemistry, taking blistering arrangements to new heights with absolutely killer vocalizations. The hooks are fresh, the melodies are strong…provided these gents have nowhere to go but up, I’ll have no qualms trading my democracy for dynasty. Metal!

Catch Lemming Dynasty at the Bourbon on March 19th.


Whitey (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 2: Whitey

Ninja Spy BFFs Whitey have been there and back again: five cross-Canada tours, two EPs, two full length discs…and it shows. Blurring the line between artist and audience, Whitey ropes its listeners in with piercing ska breakdowns and funkadelic freakouts (picture Chicago after a few tabs of acid). When one isn’t jamming with lead guitarist/singer Joe Matheson in the middle of a frenzied crowd shuffle, all eyes are focused on their thrilling dynamics. Hard work and dedication pours through every note in their eclectic set, leaving the listener anything but restless. There’s literally no room for gentle swaying when this act lights up the stage. Not bad for a few oddball rockers out of Chilliwack. Easily the wildest act of the night.

Catch Whitey at The Bourbon on March 17th.


Quickness (photo credit: Devin Weening)

Act 3: Quickness

Quickness delivers radio rock in all its post-hardcore glory. Soaring melodies and vigorous riffage round out their sound, while echoing hints of reggae and new-age anthem rock. Coupled with skin-tight, K-os certified drummer Ray Garraway, Quickness is unstoppable in its hard-hitting soundscapes. “It’s easy to get into!” exclaims the man behind the kit. Well, that’s an understatement if I ever heard one. Not only are these veterans astounding in their musical accessibility, but lead singer/guitarist Jacob Dryden’s lyrics are simply overflowing with everyman-imagery. It’s the kind of stuff relatable to anyone with a heart and a social conscience, and it makes for some downright feel-good rock-n-roll.

Catch Quickness at the Shark Club on March 26th.

Click here to see the rest of Devin’s photos from the show. To stay informed with what’s coming up at SHOWCASE @ Republic, click here to check out the Facebook group, or subscribe to the GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS presents SHOWCASE @ Republic blog by clicking “Sign me up!” at the top of this page!

Review by: Ben Rowley

Preview of February 2, 2010 SHOWCASE : Quickness / Whitey / Lemming Dynasty

Posted in previews with tags , , , on January 30, 2010 by devinweening

GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS presents SHOWCASE @ Republic – Tuesday, February 2, 2010 with Quickness, Whitey, and Lemming Dynasty!

Meet the bands:


Quickness (photo credit: myspace.com/quicknessband)

Quickness (myspace.com/quicknessband)

“Quickness are soul-infused rock vocals wrapped in a wall of distorted guitars with hip hop drums and dub bass tones, re-inventing classic reggae hip hop and breakbeat patterns and delivering deep pocket grooves that lock with the big guitar aesthetic of the band. Quickness blend explosive dub rock jams with socially conscious lyrics – creating other worldly ambience and jam band style mysticism.” (myspace.com/quicknessband)


Whitey (photo credit: myspace.com/whiteycanada)

Whitey (myspace.com/whiteycanada)

“At first glance, the diversity within Whitey’s repertoire can seem unjustified. However, it is the most honest, revealing conveyance of song they can possibly offer. Their purpose as a band has been to channel whatever expression comes at the specific moment in time, while making sure songs are crafter methodically to make people come together, dance, and enjoy themselves with others.” (myspace.com/whiteycanada)

Lemming Dynasty

Lemming Dynasty (photo credit: myspace.com/lemmingdynasty)

Lemming Dynasty (myspace.com/lemmingdynasty)

“Lemming Dynasty is a band well aware of their surroundings. Tim, Joel, and Adam Parent, along with Bruno Dominelli consciously reflect the climate in which they became – or are becoming – adults, in their music and lyrics. Slick grooves sauced in social outrage beget haunting melodies, peppered with a sly irony reminiscent of times when leaving a little to the imagination was as classy as it is classic. Intrinsic to the Dynasty’s sound is a strong sense of soulful defiance; that unwavering purpose develops throughout the emerging band’s repertoire as the young ensemble is engulfed in the creative thralls of self-discovery. One hears elements of grimy 70s funk, dirty grunge, electro punk and proggy jazz; but always in the context of a song, and always in the context of Lemming Dynasty.” (myspace.com/lemmingdynasty)

Why you should be there:

Never mind the fact that SHOWCASE is developing a strong and faithful group of regularly-attending music fans and musicians: this week’s edition, featuring three bands each with their own diverse set of influences, should be an all-out dance fest. Quickness, Whitey, and Lemming Dynasty all play fun, heartfelt music with a beat that’ll move your feet – so bring your dancing shoes!

For more details and to RSVP, check out the event page on Facebook, and, while you’re at it, join the SHOWCASE @ Republic presented by GRAHAM PENCE ARTISTS Facebook group for the latest information on who’s playing next!

preview by: Devin Weening (devinweening.wordpress.com)